Homeopathy, Astrology and the Periodic Table

Astrology & Homeopathy viewed through the prism of the Periodic Table

Astrology shares much of the same language as Homeopathy, integrating very well with the Mappa Mundi – another Elemental system. The birth chart reveals where the most tension is generated in a person’s life, and how this could affect their mental and physical state. Each planet has ‘rulership’ over psychological, physiological and pathological processes, providing insight into the way the whole system is organised. The Zodiac signs, which correlate to human anatomy as well as certain personality traits, can be assigned to the 18 stages of the Periodic Table to seek the correspondences between Astrology and Homeopathy. One can also relate the Periodic Stages to the Mappa Mundi Circle to formulate a unified map for case analysis according to an understanding of  Elemental dynamics in a given case.

Astrology and Mappa Mundi through the Periodic Stages

If one assigns 2 stages to each aspect of the Mappa Mundi, that covers 16 of the 18 Stages. To me, it seems the most obvious choice is not to assign Stage 1 & 18 to any Element / Temperament. The Hydrogen Series contains only these stages, acting as a precursor to what will unfold through the journey ‘from conception to old age’ as described by the Series and Stages of the Periodic Table. Elements in Stage 1 are highly reactive, forming bonds very easily, without which they are completely unstable. They can be expressed in numerous ways within the Mappa Mundi, as Stage 1 overall has a somewhat elusive character. One can see dependency issues reflecting a Watery nature – requiring a bond to feel stable. There is also the impulsivity of Fire – making spontaneous connections, providing the initial spark. Natrums and Kalis have been described as Earthy types by Philip Bailey and one can see this in the qualities of reservation and adherence to routine and duty. Hydrogen has an ethereal, Airy quality of not being grounded in reality.

Stage 1: WHO AM I? Confusion of identity – forming impulsive connections to feel bonded. Feels as though they can’t do it by themselves.

Stage 18 elements (the Noble gases) also do not fit with any particular aspect in the Mappa Mundi. They are complete within themselves – and do not require any bonds, hence they are inert. This state reflects two possibilities: 1) there is harmony rather than tension, hence they do not fall into polarity, duality or conflict; 2) they are inert; they do not react and they are alone within themselves (enlightened / autistic states). Stage 18 can be put in the centre of the Map with the idea that it may reflect ‘Ether’, an Element that does not exist in the Earthly realm, and therefore is not pulled into the tension of opposites (and duality) of the Mappa Mundi. The excellent Dynamis provings of the Noble Gases by Jeremy Sherr reveal a picture that is in-keeping with this hypothesis.

They don’t want to have anything to do with work or duty. It is as if they even deny the existence of duty. Not that they fight against it, they simply deny that it is even there. Responsibility is a word they don’t know; they flutter through life like a butterfly. Argon(stj)

Cardinal Signs: Stages 1-6

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
Mars, Moon, Venus, Saturn.

Cardinal types are focused on beginnings; they provide the spark of inspiration. They get projects going, initiate ideas and provide energy and stimulus to make things happen. There may be a lot of enthusiasm at the start of a project only to find their interest wanes as the hard work of finishing something becomes necessary. There are 4 Cardinal signs, one in each element, each representing the beginning of a new phase of development: Identity, Family, Relationship, Career.

Astrologer Stephen Arroyo explains that tension between Cardinal signs manifests as restlessness, tremendous urges toward action, starting new activities and projects, and facing crises. The person is usually a “go-getter” who has lots of plans and is pursuing a fairly definite direction.1

The Moon is significant to the earliest stages of the Periodic Table, representing the embryonic stages of development with a need for support and maternal care. Saturn is also an important symbol for Stages 1-6 as all incorporate an element of doubt, whilst knowing that they need to take on responsibility. Kronos was the youngest of all his Titan siblings when he overthrew his father so there is also a lot of ambition by the end of this phase when one reaches Stage 6. Tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals in pure form so it has to be tough and durable in taking up the challenge.

Stage 2 Elements are known as the Alkaline Earth Metals; the oxides of which can readily be found as constituents of the Earth’s crust, especially Calcarea & Magnesium. It is interesting that Titanium (named after the Titans) sits in Stage 4, Series 4 – this is where the individual has left the care and support of home, and responsibility for themselves in the wider world begins (Saturn). The final element in this group is Uranium (Stage 6, Series 7), which is interesting in light of the Mythology of Kronos overthrowing his father Uranus. The main Mappa Mundi axis for the left side of the table is Earth-Water, representing the need to make a start on defining one’s structure, and forming a stable bond. The Animal Families which seem to have a connection to this section of the table are Molluscs, Milks, Marine arthropods & Spiders (in Stages 5 and 6).

Stage 1 Elemental themes

• Impulsive bond. Intense attraction. Violent reactions when bonding.
• Me Vs You. What I want Vs what you want (animals).
• Assertiveness Vs compromise. Decisiveness Vs diplomacy.
• Fighting Vs conciliating. Independence Vs relationship.
• Heedlessly rushing into romantic entanglements (Nat-m.).
• Passionate affairs; getting caught in the act.
• cf. Acute miasm, The basis of animal themes generally.
• Aries – Libra. Mars – Venus

This aspect is an opposition which reflects a see-saw action between two poles such as with a Cation and Anion- E.G. Natrum Muriaticum. With an astrological opposition there is often over-stimulation from the intense polarisation of energy. The person can easily lose their objectivity about themselves, projecting their subconscious traits onto others. This is similar to the New moon type in the Lunation cycle (associated with Water in the Mappa Mundi); “A strongly subjective, emotional and impulsive approach to life; often a tendency to be emotionally confused and to project one’s feelings upon people and situations without much regard to what these actually are in themselves.” Rudhyar

Stage 1 rubrics

Action | Activity – desires | Anxiety – to incarnate in physical world | Ardent |  Cheerful & foolish | Childish | Delusions – nobody; being (needs a bond to exist) | Dependent | Elated | Euphoria alternating with sadness | Foolish behaviour | Heedless | Hopeful | Ideas – abundant | Impulsive | Lack of independence | Innocent | Innovative | Irrational | Mania alternating with depression | Manic-depressive | Naive | New ideas | Optimistic | Quick to act | Rash | Reserved | Support; desires

Stage 2 Elemental themes

• Hard working, responsible & careful. Cautious, defensive, dutiful.
• Sensitive to criticism. Denial of feelings. Defensive, controlled responses.
• Urge for comfort, routines & structure.
• Fluidity Vs rigidity. Home Vs career.
• Systematic planning Vs withdrawing to comfort.
• Inner world Vs outer reality. To yield or to discipline. Mother or father.
• Want to be guided by a paternal / maternal figure.
• cf. Molluscs, Annelida (Worms), Mites, Water-Earth axis, Marine invertebrates, Matridonals, Oral stage (baby).
• Cancer – Capricorn. Moon – Saturn. This aspect is an opposition which suggests a see-saw action between two poles – E.G. Calcarea Carbonica.

Stage 2 belongs predominantly to the Water aspect. The easiest way to see this is to look at Calcarea carbonica (the Oyster). The signature of the animal reflects the horizontal axis of the Mappa Mundi – they are sea-creatures clinging to rock (Water – Earth). Their shells form the stone we use to build our homes (for nurture, protection and security). These are all Earth – Water themes. By comparing the qualities of Moon – Saturn / Cancer – Capricorn, one can perceive the polarity of planning Vs withdrawing – the need for security and comfort Vs urge to be successful and have recognition for being good at completing one’s task.

Stage 2 rubrics

Ailments from – embarrassment • humiliation • mortification | Confidence – want of self-confidence – support; desires | Cowardice | Credulous | Delusions – others will observe her confusion • criticized • nobody; being • he does everything wrong; he cannot succeed • watched, she is being | Dependent of others | Fear of failure • new enterprises • her condition being observed | Hiding – himself | Horrible things, sad stories affect her profoundly | Hurt; easily | Impressionable | Inactivity | Independence – lack of | Insecurity; mental | Looked at – cannot bear to be looked at | Offended, easily | Passivity | Sensitive to criticism • opinion of others | Stability – desire for | Support; desires | Timidity – bashful | Weak character | Will power – loss of | Dreams – guided; being

Stage 3 Elemental themes

• Timid, yielding, indecisive. Easily led. Dependent.
• Femininity, receptivity, relationship.
• Too much fluidity; easily moved by emotions.
• Home, care, family, love, balance.
• Need for both mothering & equality in partnerships.
• Need for fairness, cooperation & nurturing.
• Over-sensitivity to feelings.
• Indolence & desire for creature comforts.
• cf. Milks, Phlegmatic temperament (Water-Air), Ringworm miasm, Lanthanides (Stage 3 quality throughout), Row 2 Plants, Oral stage.
• Cancer – Libra. Moon – Venus. This aspect is a square which demands work and signifies tension between incompatible elemental energies.

Stage 3, which is also very dependent, indecisive and doubtful moves from water into the adjacent Phlegmatic pole. Representing the Cancer – Libra Square, this Stage combines indecision and doubt with a strong need for fairness, cooperation & desire for comfort. In Scholten’s description of Stage 3, he discusses the theme of Scanning (Scandium metallicum); looking to see all possibilities which leads to inactivity and difficulty making a concerted start (tying in with the ‘trying’ theme of the Ringworm miasm). Libra is in opposition to Aries; the latter has no trouble with going first – their nature is very assertive – whereas Libran types prefer to accommodate others before asserting their own desires. The Zodiac sign Cancer is well-known for being a cautious type; one can picture the Crab with it’s side-to-side walk – always hesitating to move forwards. Note – in the Mappa Mundi Astrological model, it seems best to think of Neptune and the Moon as interchangeable between the Water element & Phlegmatic temperament. In general, it is best practice not to be too rigid about map-building, but to allow flexibility in how one interprets each element.

The chief complaint is ‘I don’t know what I want’… a person lacking in certainty, security, grit and confidence. She needs support, advice, guidance, help, protection. Scandium(stj)

Stage 3 rubrics

Confidence – want of self-confidence – support; desires | Curious | Delusions – succeed, he does everything wrong; he cannot | Dependent of others | Discouraged | Doubtful | Fear – new enterprises; of | Hesitating | Inactivity | Indecision | Independence – lack of | Initiative, lack of | Irresolution in projects | Mood – changeable | Searching | Succeeds, never | Undertaking – lacks willpower to undertake anything | Undertaking – many things, persevering in nothing

Stage 4 Elemental themes

• Torn between independence and the family unity. Decisive and dependent.
• Tension between going-it-alone and returning to the comfort of home.
• Passionate & protective. Pioneering & placid.
• Fighting to escape the past. First masculine impulse to break away from Mother.
• Asserting your own identity (& autonomy) as different from your family.
• Determination and self-reliance to set goals and begin striving towards actualizing them.
• Standing up for your family / group.
• Emotional conflict. Nurturing fiercely. Warrior mother or warring with mother.
• Sensitive to quarrels. Action followed by hesitation.
• cf. Marine arthropods (Crabs, Lobster etc), Fire / Water + Earth element (first foray into), Row 3 Plants, Anal stage (Toddler).
• Aries – Cancer. Mars – Moon.

With Stage 4 comes the first solid start, where real action towards individuation takes place. Stage 4 combines features of Aries and Cancer; pulling away from Water into Earth (via the Capricornian polarity). Home, family and security are very important to Cancer and these are all Earth qualities. At Stage 4, one feels the urge to make an impulsive but definite start to the task of individuation, without too much planning or notion about how it will pan out in the end. In this sense it is very cardinal – they have energy and motivation for getting projects started yet lack the staying-power required to see them through. In the Dynamis proving of Hafnium metallicum, there were a lot of concerns about money and materialism (highlighting the Earth element of this Stage). It is easy to ask – why not assign Stage 4 to the Choleric temperament due to the fiery Aries quality? This too is possible, but I feel that the pressure, determination and heat of Stage 8 is even more relevant to the Choleric pole. At Stage 4 there is still a tremendous fear of failure, coming from the overarching Saturnian influence of the Cardinal stages.

She is at the beginning of her career when she collapses; she panics as soon as she wants to make a proper start. The theme of ‘beginning’ belongs to stage 4. Making a decision is a paralysing sort of fear, which prevents them from doing anything and leads to endless postponing. “he’d rather have them suggesting what to do; so, he doesn’t have to choose himself.” Titanium metallicum(stj)

Stage 4 rubrics

Capriciousness | Confidence – want of self-confidence – support; desires | Decisive | Fear – new enterprise; of undertaking a | Heedless | Impulsive | Indecision | Irresolution | Quick to act | Temerity

Stage 5 Elemental themes

• Postponing Vs decisive. Compromise Vs discipline.
• Structured & hard-working (arthropods) Vs Generous & self-indulgent.
• Effort to be loved & appreciated.
• Needs to be valued, respected & recognised (spiders) in relationships.
• Denial of affection. Controlled love. Serious relationships.
• Defensive about emotions.
• cf. Web Spiders (Araneomorphae) – Spiders evolved from a type of Horseshoe crab (linking back to the previous stage where of Cancer-Aries). Earth-dwelling invertebrates (arthropods). Malarial Miasm, Melancholic – Sanguine axis, Row 4 Plants (Early childhood).
• Capricorn – Libra. Saturn – Venus.

Note – It seems as though the odd-numbered columns on the left-hand side of the table represent stages where some respite is ‘allowed’ in-between decisively pushing towards the goal (even-numbered columns). Vanadium (& vacillation) is a good way to remember this.

Stage 5 connects with the Sanguine temperament through Venus, with the keynote of unrealistic / idealistic desires.  There is also an accent on preparing and hesitation owing to Saturn’s influence (representing the opposite Melancholic temperament). There is too much youthful idealism so the task never really gets completed, highlighting the ‘air-castles’ theme in the malarial remedy China. Indeed, the malarial miasm is mapped here by Scholten, matching the blood affinity of the Sanguine constitution. The Sanguine type may prefer to rest from the task and explore the emerging self through social interaction instead. Elementally speaking, the Sanguine temperament combines the fluidity and adaptability of Water with the instincts, drive and passion of Fire. The decisiveness of Fire is dampened by the changeability and responsiveness of Water.

They have a great need to succeed in their undertakings. They have to prove themselves [spiders] in society. A typical feeling is that they won’t succeed. They try and achieve something, but they fail yet again. In a good mood- they are able to succeed in their tasks, when their mood is low everything goes wrong. Vanadium(stj)

Stage 5 rubrics

Ambition – unfulfilled | Carefulness | Cautious | Confidence – want of self-confidence | Delusions – fail, everything will | Discipline – want of | Discouraged – irresolution, with | Doubtful | Fear – failure, of • new enterprises | Idealistic | Inactivity | Inconstancy | Initiative, lack of | Irresolution – projects, in | Mood – changeable | Persisting in nothing | Plans – making many plans – but don’t realize them | Postponing everything to next day | Prearranging | Programming – everything | Undertaking – many things, persevering in nothing | Undertaking – nothing, lest he fail

Stage 6 Elemental themes

• Ambition, drive, initiative.
• Decisively testing one’s courage & endurance.
• Roughness / abruptness to achieve.
• Battling authority, or fighting to uphold it.
• Setting impossible goals that are almost beyond reach.
• Fear of fighting / competition.
• Taking definite action to complete the task.
• cf. Earth element & Choleric temperament, Row 5 plants, Stage 8 Minerals.
Spiders (Mygalomorphae & Lycosoidea) – Spider silk has greater tensile strength than stainless steel (of which Chromium – stage 6 – is a component. Kali-bich also has gluey, ropey discharge; reminiscent of the Spider’s use of glue cast along the strands of their web to catch prey.
• Aries – Capricorn. Mars – Saturn.

Stage 6 can be assigned to the Earth element, with a more assertive Yang energy that the even-numbered stages appear to embody. Scholten describes this stage with words like challenge & daredevilry (Mars / Aries) whilst having a need to prove themselves (Capricorn). There are also anticipatory issues, owing to the doubting influence of Saturn. Again, it would be easy to categorise this Stage with the more fiery Choleric temperament, but there is still a strong degree of fear to show what they are capable of because they haven’t yet proven themselves.

Stage 6 rubrics

Adventurous | Ailments from – anticipation | Ambition – increased – competitive | Audacity | Comply to the wishes of others; feeling obliged to | Confident | Courageous | Decisive | Delusions – forced being • performing – pressured by those about him to perform | Determination | Fastidious – prove himself; he has to | Forcing himself to do something | Heedless | Hiding – himself | Industrious | Perseverance | Pertinacity | Secretive | Temerity

Fixed Signs: Stages 7 – 12

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.
Venus, Sun, Mars/ Pluto, Uranus.

Deeply engrained habit patterns are indicated which generate extremely concentrated power and manifest as stubborn wilfulness. However, once this energy gets flowing, wide ranging capabilities and uncommon determination to bring things to a conclusion are evident.1

These Stages house the Transition & Precious Metals, ending in Stage 12 (which contains Poor Metals). These Elements are more stable than the Alkaline Earth Elements and are thus readily found in Nature in their neutral state. The Precious Metals take a long time to be formed (Fixed energy pattern). They need to be mined from deep within the Earth (Pluto – god of the Underworld). Gold is usually found in metamorphic rock (Uranus rules the process of metamorphosis). It is formed in underground veins of rock where the pressure and temperature heat water that flows through the rock.

These pressurised stages feel like being in the dry heat of a kiln-oven; there is constant tension building as one works towards to the topmost position (Choleric energy). An individual who is orientated at these stages has to learn to be in control of the extreme forces that surround them. The predominant element of this phase (according to Mappa Mundi) is Fire, representing the heat of the Earth’s core/ or in mythological terms, the Underworld. Scorpio is ruled by both Mars (heat) and Pluto (depth).

The tension of opposites between Aquarius and Leo (Fire / Sky realm) is also manifested in these stages. In Stages 7-9 there is still an element of teamwork in building towards the final goal (Aquarius). From Stage 10-12 this is transformed into leadership (Leo) of three types; Over-confident, proud (10), Magnanimous, benevolent (11), Over-the-top, tyrannical (12).

It is interesting that the Element Mercury features at Stage 12, Series 6 which heralds the next phase of Mutable signs; the planet Mercury rules two of the four mutable signs; Gemini & Virgo. The Animal Families that have a connection to this section of the table are insects, industrious mammals, big cats & other apex predators; e.g. raptors, snakes & scorpions.

Stage 7 Elemental themes

• Practical idealism. Feeding groups.
• Sharing independence. Building a community life.
• Pragmatic & inventive. Unconventional yet solid & secure.
• Radical business ventures. Computers.
• Philanthropist.
• cf. Sanguine temperament, Lepidoptera, Hive insects (whose survival depends upon the strength of the collective), Social prey mammals, Row 6 Plants (Adolescence).
• Taurus – Aquarius. Venus – Uranus / Saturn.

Stage 7 can be mapped to the Sanguine temperament. The theme of Stage 7 is to expand; knowledge, training, skills etc. There is now a lot less doubt, having moved beyond the influence of Saturn in Stages 1-6. From Stages 7-12, there is a Fixed energy pattern, where the individual has more confidence in their foundations. At Stage 7, they question how they should best approach things; do they opt for the tried-and-trusted approach cemented in the earlier stages (Taurus – conservative) or upgrade their know-how to include something more contemporary (Aquarius – forward thinking). Scholten mentions the enjoyment of learning new skills, giving and receiving feedback, praise and compliments (important themes in sociable mammals & gregarious insects). These latter aspects in particular point to the Sanguine temperament, with it’s hopeful, friendly and sociable nature. The myth of Prometheus is relevant here (Stage 7, Lanthanides). He defied Zeus to help humanity expand as a society through the knowledge to use fire (the very thing that sets us apart from other intelligent mammals).

Stage 7 rubrics

Benevolence | Cheerful | Company – desire for – desire to keep group together | Confident | Curious | Delusions – beautiful • enlarged • obstacles – in his way | Discipline – want of | Discouraged | Doubtful | Expansive | Fear – alone, of being • high places, of | Harmony – desire for | Helping others | Humility | Idealistic | Ideas – abundant | Industrious – efficient | Interruption – agg. | Laughing | Learning – desire for | Mental exertion – desire for | Mildness | Mood – changeable | Patience | Playful | Positiveness | Postponing everything to next day | Reverence for those around him | Dreams – helping – people

Stage 8 Elemental themes

• Strong sense of purpose; obstinately persevering with the task through all hardships.
• The task is unremitting, heavy & pressurised – got to keep going at all costs.
• Tough, solid, dependable, stubborn & inflexible.
• Desires; power, money, security & a large salary. Greedy to attain more.
• Appreciates and desires the best. Over-indulgence of the senses.
• Driven & determined; striving to achieve, be the best & enjoy luxury.
• Hate being disturbed in their endeavours.
• cf. Choleric temperament, Army Insects (Ants, Termites) & Industrious mammals (e.g. Mole, Badger), Row 5 plants, School age (hierarchy). Both Zodiac signs are mammals – one predator and one prey. Some predatory mammals are mapped here (e.g. Insectivores).
• Taurus – Leo. Venus – Sun. (Bull – Lion)

Stage 8 is strongly associated with the Choleric temperament. In many ways, this is the most obvious analogy between the Circle of Elements and the Periodic Table. There are themes of forcefulness, pressure & perseverance towards the task at hand. Anything outside of their task is viewed as an added burden that detracts from their core sense of purpose. Astrologically, Leonine power and purposefulness combine with Taurean obstinate determination underpinned by the planetary energy of Mars. There is a strong degree of battling or fighting against any perceived opposition. Hierarchy, and one’s place within it, is important.

Stage 8 rubrics

Activity – desires activity | Ambition – increased – competitive | Anger – contradiction; from | Busy | Confident | Courageous | Decisive | Delusions – forced; that she is • obstacles – in his way • strong; he is • work – hard; is working • work – stop; cannot | Determination | Efficient, organized | Fight, wants to | Firmness | Forcing himself | Heaviness; sensation of | Hindered; intolerance of being | Industrious – efficient | Interruption – agg. | Obstinate – in the execution of plans | Occupation – amel. | Perseverance | Pertinacity | Positive | Pressure | Task-oriented | Tough | Will – strong will power | Work – satisfied by working all day without stopping

Stage 9 Elemental themes

• Holding onto individuality Vs taking full responsibility.
• Individuality Vs the group. Art Vs Science. Traditional Vs futuristic.
• Warmth, gravitas & self-belief Vs detachment & group-awareness.
• Innovative solutions. Proud, fixed & unconventional. Defying traditions.
• Erratic impulses cause sudden changes in one’s sense of purpose. Rebelling against oneself.
• Missing out on achievements because one never fully expresses oneself before a change in direction takes place.
• Achieving distinction whilst giving equal opportunities.
• cf. Fire / Sky realm (Vertical axis), Raptors, Metamorphic insects (Odonata, Diptera, Lepidoptera). Large prey mammals who must submit to a stronger (predatory) species – they need the collective (Aquarius) to ensure survival when a predator attacks (e.g. Lac loxodonta africanum). Row 7 Plants, Adulthood stage (e.g. Lamiales).
• Leo – Aquarius. Sun – Uranus.

Stage 9 is interesting given that in Mendeleev’s version of the Periodic Table, it represents the summit of the left-hand side. Scholten’s research led him to conclude that Stage 10 represents the pinnacle and centre-point, where the sense of achievement and success is at it’s zenith, aptly portrayed in the Materia Medica of Palladium and Platina. I like the idea of Stage 9 as the Heir apparent, and Scholten describes Iridium as the Crown Prince, suggesting the same idea. Platina has a good deal of maliciousness to help them fight their way to the top, where they usurp the one who should hold true power (Iridium). The name (stemming from Iris – rainbow) suggests the Sky realm & Fire element. There is more benevolence and radiance at this point than the pure ambition of Stage 10. This associates it with the purity of the Fire element. Provers of Iridium felt tall, and full of aplomb with marked self-confidence. The Leo – Aquarius opposition fits the themes of Stage 9 and epitomises the uppermost pole of the Mappa Mundi. Radiant leonine energy combines with Aquarian benevolence and innovation.

Stage 9 rubrics

Agility, mental | Ailments from – anticipation • failure | Ardent | Awareness heightened | Benevolence | Confident | Darkness – desire for | Delusions – alone in the world • angels, seeing • body – out of the body • despised; is • elevated in the air • floating in air • superiority • tall – he or she is tall • wings she has wings • wrong – done wrong; he has | Ecstasy | Fear – heart – disease • high places • impotence | Firmness | Forgetful | Haughty | High places – desire | Ideas – abundant | Laughing | Light – desire for | Optimistic | Praying | Thoughts – sexual | Vivacious

Stage 10 Elemental themes

• Warmth, passion, pride, jealousy, status, courage & bravado.
• Radiating inner power, depth and intensity. Domination.
• Vengeful unless recognised for their talents – need a creative outlet.
• Centre-stage, performer, dazzling Vs privacy & secretive motives.
• Excessive desire to be special & admired. Using underhand means to reach the top.
• Drama, performance, colourful, self-satisfied.
• Bitterness when things go wrong.
• cf. Choleric temperament, Carnivores in general, Predatory mammals, Assertive snakes (e.g. Lachesis) & other Apex predators. Insect queens (Apis regina), Row 5 Plants, Adulthood.
• Scorpio – Leo. Mars / Pluto – Sun.

Stage 10 is assigned to the Choleric temperament alongside Stage 8. Astrologically it relates to Leo and Scorpio. Before Pluto was discovered, Scorpio’s planetary ruler was Mars, linking to the Choleric type. One can think of the traditional Mars rulership as relating to a rather more crude expression of the complex themes in Scorpio. At Stage 10, Scorpionic themes of power and intensity combine with Solar themes of status, warmth and pride. Choleric types are forceful, drawn to positions of leadership, and apt to dominate others. They are ambitious, confident and hard-working. Scholten writes that there is a danger at Stage 10 of becoming too fixed in their situation – leading to an eventual demise. This speaks to the Earth component combining with Elemental Fire to produce the unstoppable lava flow of the Choleric type.

Stage 10 rubrics

Ailments from – honour; wounded • mortification • neglected; being • position; loss of • scorned; being | Ambition – increased | Balance | Casting off people against her will | Censorious | Centred | Confident | Consolation – agg. | Contemptuous | Contradiction – disposition to contradict | Cruelty | Delusions – alone in the world • body – greatness of • criticized, she is • doomed, being • great person • looking – down; he was looking – from a high place • mission; one has a • neglected, being • superiority, of • tall – he or she is tall • wealth, of | Dictatorial | Egotism | Fear – high places, of | Flattered – desire to be | Haughty – wounded self-esteem; wishes to be flattered | Lead type behaviour – alpha type | Offended, easily | Pompous, important | Quarrelsome | Respected – desire to be | Selfishness | Serious | Solemn | Ungrateful | Unsympathetic | Vanity

Stage 11 Elemental themes

• Attachment, desire, money & power Vs having the courage to let go of attachments.
• Fear; all that he has acquired may be sabotaged & lost.
• Wielding power in a balanced way.
• Upholding / conserving the traditions.
• Giving & sharing Vs holding on to power.
• Confrontations – rage, jealousy and envy.
• Security & luxury Vs temptation. Sex Vs. taboos.
• Acquisitive Vs depth of feeling.
• cf. Powerful predatory mammals (Lions), Snakes (more duty conscious e.g. Naja). Birds (sense of nobility), Fire / Sky realm, Row 7 Plants.
• Taurus – Scorpio. Venus – Mars / Pluto.

Stage 11 moves back to pure Fire & the Sky Realm position. There is more benevolence here – a magnanimous ruler compared to the overbearing, haughty type at Stage 10. Stages 9-11 all have some haughtiness, but here it is tempered with a desire to share the wealth as typified by Aurum. Owing to Pluto’s influence, the sense of power and responsibility can quickly become overbearing, consuming these individuals who are prone to spiralling down to the Underworld realm. Aurum is well-known clinically for addressing deep, dark depressions with suicidal tendencies. Stage 11 is at the cliff edge – one false move marks the beginning of the descent into Hades underworld realm at Stage 12. Taurus is in opposition to Scorpio and reflects the traditional values and desire for material wealth that is befitting of a Kingly type who sits upon the Stage 11 throne.

Stage 11 rubrics

Achieve things, desire to | Ailments from – anger – suppressed • honour; wounded | Ambition – increased – competitive | Anger – contradiction; from | Anxiety – conscience, of • family; about • salvation, about | Benevolence | Cautious | Confident | Contradiction – disposition to contradict • intolerant of contradiction | Death – desires • thoughts of | Delusions – neglected his duty • noble; being • rank; he is a person of • superiority, of • wrong – done wrong; he has | Dictatorial | Dignified | Duty – too much sense of duty | Egotism | Expansive | Fastidious | Fear – control; losing • failure • falling • heart disease • high places • murdered, of being • self-control, of losing • suicide; of | Grief – silent | Hatred – of persons who offended him | Haughty | High places – agg. | Indifference – everything, to | Injustice, cannot support | Lead type behaviour | Loathing – life | Pompous, important | Proper – too | Protecting | Quarrelsome | Religious affections – too occupied with religion | Remorse | Reproaching oneself | Responsibility – taking responsibility too seriously | Suggestions; will not accept | Suicidal disposition

Stage 12 Elemental themes

• Ruthless, cold, revolutionary, vengeful.
• Passionately involved Vs cool & detached.
• Secretive & solitary Vs leading the group.
• Penetrating insight & detached idealism.
• Fighting to the death.
• Manipulating others to assert power. Compulsive winning.
• Wants to transform the world through violent revolution.
• Extremism.
• cf. Air / Underworld, Snakes (Crotalidae), Parasitic & predatory Insects (Wasps, Odonata), Scorpions (Androctonus), Row 8 Plants, Mid-life crisis. Syphilitic miasm.
• Aquarius – Scorpio. Uranus/ Saturn – Pluto/ Mars.

Stage 12 represents the final stage of the Fixed cycle in Astrological terms. It is assigned to the Air / Underworld pole. Mercurius (the liquid metal) preempts the beginning of the Mutable phase from Stages 13-18. Astrologically, Aquarius combines here with Scorpio to orchestrate themes of the ruthless revolutionary; vengeful, cold & detached but with penetrating insight. It is another ‘fighting column’, along with Stages 6 and 8, which is told through the connection of Scorpio to Mars. The need for authority is expressed in the Saturnine side of Aquarius whilst the revolutionary component comes from the modern Uranian rulership. From the heights of Stages 9-11 comes an almighty crashing descent into Hades’ realm. Therefore, I don’t perceive the right side of the table as representing a gradual descent from the summit – it is a cataclysm at Stage 12 where the Underworld forces reign supreme. After this, the individual becomes profoundly lost at Stage 13, the boundaries of the self are stripped away, offering the potential for embracing the positive aspects of selflessness – focusing on transpersonal elements and developing a global-awareness. If one tries to hold onto the previous ego-structure, then problems arise. The lesson of the Right hand side of the Table is all about letting go of the past.

Stage 12 rubrics

Anarchist – revolutionary | Attack others, desire to | Boaster | Change – aversion to | Conformism | Conservative | Corrupt, venal | Deceitful | Defensive | Defiant | Delusions – attacked; being • betrayed; that she is • disintegrating, the world is • enemy – everyone is an / surrounded by enemies • pursued; he was – by enemies | Dictatorial – power, love of | Dogmatic | Exaggerating | Fear – betrayal | Fight, wants to | Hardhearted | Hurry | Impulse; morbid | Manipulative | Mischievous | Moral feeling; want of | Power – love of power | Repeating | Restlessness | Revolutionist | Suicidal disposition | Suspicious – enemy; considering everybody his | Threatened; feels

Mutable Signs: Stage 13-18

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.
Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune.

With mutable signs involved, the energy released seems to flow primarily through mental channels, manifesting as a wide range of interests and as an intense need for a broad variety of experience to satisfy the individual’s craving for new learning.1

The Mutable signs correspond to the right hand side of the Periodic Table in a number of ways. The main astrological elements here are Water & Air; both of which involve movement and mutability.

Some of the metals at this side of the table have liquid qualities; Mercury which heralds the transition into the Mutable signs, but also Gallium are both able to go into liquid states and form amalgams with other metals. The Halogens are all to be found in the Ocean (ruled by Neptune). The Air-Fire dynamic (ruled by Mercury and Jupiter) is represented by Oxygen, Nitrogen and the Noble Gases. The border between metals and non-metals (stages 13-15) reflects the breakdown of boundaries associated with the Water element.

In terms of differentiating Animal Families, there are connections to be made to Amphibians, Sea Animals and Birds in this section of the Table. Stage 18 can also be moved to Stage 0, reflecting the watery womb-like beginning of life as it evolved on earth.

Stage 13 Elemental themes

(also relevant to Scholten’s Stage 3, which has been moved in the Element Theory)

• The mind is too permeable; lack of boundaries leads to a nebulous grip on reality.
• Tries to rationalise but this only results in mental confusion.
• Awash w/ images floating through the mind.
• Rationality & logic Vs faith & belief.
• Studying the non-rational / occult.
• Imaginative writing.
• Fear of solitude & insanity.
• cf. Water element, Aids miasm. Amphibians. Mid-life crisis. Stuck in an in-between place (Land and water) – a strong theme in the proving of Gallium metallicum. In Synthesis, there are 970 rubrics in common between Alumina & Bufo, which is almost half of Bufo’s total symptoms.
• Gemini – Pisces. Mercury – Jupiter/ Neptune.

Stage 13 belongs to the Water element and can be remembered as the Alumina stage. Following the devastating descent into the Underworld at Stage 12, there ensues a period of being completely lost; having no idea who you are because the identity has been so utterly broken down. The following Alumina rubrics express this very well – Delusions – consciousness – belongs to another / Delusions – cannot see – transfer himself into another, and only then he could see. This marks the start of the Mutable phase – the nebulous world of Neptune and Pisces. It is also intriguing to see that another metal with ‘liquid’ potential resides at this point of the Table – Gallium metallicum. The Water element has a strong keynote relating to loss of boundaries bringing in themes of the Aids miasm, which lies at the Stage 13-16 border of metals and non-metals. The semi-metals begin at Stage 13, Boron. The proving of Aqua nova brings this forward most strongly in the delusion of being invisible – like the personality is completely wiped away, and no memory of the self remains.

Stage 13 rubrics

Absentminded – dreamy | Addicted; tendency to become | Ambition – loss of | Change – aversion to | Confusion of mind – waking, on | Delusions – friendless, he is • head – separated from body; head is • separated – body – mind are separated; body and • unreal – everything seems unreal | Dementia | Determination | Discouraged | Dogmatic | Doubtful | Dream; as if in a | Embittered | Expressing oneself – difficult | Fear – causeless • control; losing • falling, of • insanity • people; of • water, of | Forgetful | Frightened easily | Haughty | Homesickness | Impressionable | Loss; sense of | Insanity | Introspection | Mental exertion – agg. – impossible | Mood – changeable | Morose | Morphinism | New ideas – aversion to | Nostalgia | Obstinate | Quiet; wants to be | Reserved | Retiring – desire | Suspicious | Thinking – complaints – agg.; thinking of his complaints | Withdrawal from reality |Yearning |  Dreams – confused • drowning • falling • water

Stage 14 Elemental themes

• Valuing intelligence & reason. Critical, fault-finding.
• Amorality through over-rationalising everything.
• Researcher, bureaucrat, lost in detail. Forever refining their methods.
• Discerning & discriminating OR scattered & superficial.
• Problems in decision-making & focusing the mind (Carbons, Silica – brain-fag).
• Lack of incentive; finds nothing worthwhile.
• Wide knowledge; gathers too much information.
• cf. Melancholic temperament, Dry and cold, Row 8 Plants, Old age. Reptiles (Turtles, lizards, crocodiles, geckos).
• Gemini – Virgo. Mercury.

Stage 14 belongs to the Melancholic pole; an underworld combination of Earth and Air. It can be imagined as a cold cavern in which one retreats from the world (Reptiles). Stage 14 according to Scholten’s keywords represents the feeling of being discarded, eliminated; feeling that the life has drained away and the end is in sight. The logical faculties are brought back into play after the formlessness of Stage 13 – there is an attempt to rediscover what has been lost through becoming absorbed in self-analysis. They focus in on themselves in an opposite manner to the jovial jesting of the Sanguine type, instead becoming misanthropic and critical of others. They don’t want to be involved in life ‘out there’ anymore; they are content to view the world from their ‘outsider’ position. The positive aspect is the knowledge that comes with experience; through turning one’s attention inward, one can attain a state of self-knowing (cf. Lanthanides).

Stage 14 rubrics

Absorbed | Admonition – agg. | Aversion – persons – all, to | Censorious | Company – aversion to | Confidence – want of self-confidence – failure, feels himself a | Cowardice | Death – desires | Delusions – alone, being • arrested, is about to be • crime – committed a crime; he had • criticized, she is • emptiness; of • home – away from home; he is • hollow • outcast; she were an • pursued; he was – police, by • superiority, of • worthless; he is | Detached | Discontented | Disgust | Doubtful – recovery, of | Envy | Estranged | Fear – death, of • failure, of • falling, of | Forsaken feeling – isolation; sensation of | Hatred | Haughty | Helplessness; feeling of | Independent | Indifference – everything, to • pleasure, to | Introspection | Malicious | Meditating | Mental exertion – agg. – impossible | aversion to | Misanthropy | Mischievous | Offended, easily | Responsibility – aversion to | Sensitive – opinion of others; to the | Sighing | Time – slowly, appears longer; passes too | Generals – atrophy | Multiple sclerosis | Neurological complaints

Stage 15 Elemental themes

• Logic (contraction) Vs intuition (expansion).
• Innocence, eternal youth, carefree, sanguine.
• Finding connections everywhere. Overdoing superficial details.
• Thinking Vs believing.
• Empirical (Arsenicum) Vs religious / spiritual (Phosphorus).
• Talkative, restless, perpetual student Vs wise, knowing teacher.
• Scattered & superficial Vs seeing the big picture.
• Expanding one’s knowledge to connect with something bigger than the self.
• cf. Air element. Aves. Tubercular miasm. Sanguine (Phos* and Nit* compounds). Old age & 2nd Youth,  Row 8 / 9 plants.
• Gemini – Sagittarius. Mercury – Jupiter.

Stage 15 represents the tubercular side of the Air / Underworld pole. Scholten describes loss, breakdown, mistrust and bankruptcy. Arsenicum is the most well-known element with which to remember the core themes. Respiratory problems abound in Stage 15 remedies, highlighting the Geminian physical affinity to the lungs and breath. The opposite sign Sagittarius explains the lightness and buoyancy of remedies such as Phosphorus and Nitrogen; also in this column.

Stage 15 rubrics

Abusive | Acceptance | Affectionate | Ailments from – bad news • business failure • failure • mental shock; from • position; loss of | Ambition – loss of | Anorexia nervosa | Anxiety – driving from place to place • fear; with • future, about • health; about • hypochondriacal • others, for • salvation, about | Conscientious about trifles | Contrary | Delusions – night • alone, being • crime • die – about to die • fail, everything will • images, phantoms; sees • oppressed • poisoned • specters, ghosts, spirits • thieves – seeing | Despair – recovery, of | Excitement – nervous | Exhilaration | Fear • night • aids; of • cancer; of • causeless • death • disease, of impending • driving him from place to place • evil; fear of • ghosts, of • health • loss; of suffering • misfortune, of • open spaces; fear of • people; of • poisoned – being • strangers, of • suicide; of • thunderstorm, of | Forgiving | Forsaken feeling | Frightened easily | Hatred – persons – offended him; hatred of persons who | Helplessness; feeling of | Hurry | Independent | Mirth | Restlessness – anxious | Starting – easily • fright; from and as from • noise, from | Sympathetic | Travelling – desire for | Vivacious | Weary of life

Stage 16 Elemental themes

• Critical of others’ beliefs, aggrandising his own. Studying the philosophy of health.
• Exaggerating imperfections in oneself or others.
• Talkative, restless, philosophical.
• Over-promising in one’s service to others.
• Ordered & neat Vs scatty & elusive.
• Focussing on details Vs perceiving the whole.
• Refining knowledge Vs expanding beliefs.
• cf. Melancholic temperament, Air – Earth, Aves – Raptors (Solitary predators), Row 8 / 9 Plants, Old age & Death, Leprosy miasm, Yersinia miasm (plague miasm), Bowel nosodes. Pests & Parasites.
• Virgo – Sagittarius. Mercury – Jupiter.

Stage 16 belongs to the Melancholic temperament alongside Stage 14. The theme of the outcast or outsider is very strong. Virgo is a good astrological counterpart here, relating to the intestines and digestion, whilst at a psychological level, the theme of assimilating knowledge in a systematic way. There is a dangerous tendency to over-analyse everything, developing neuroses, fixed behaviours and becoming fearful of disease. The atrophying, shrinking action of Stage 16 is also synonymous with the Melancholic temperament.

Stage 16 rubrics

Ailments from – honor; wounded • rejected; from being |Amativeness | Ambition – increased • loss of | Amorous | Antisocial | Anxiety – others, for | Aversion – everything, to | Begging | Brooding | Company – aversion to • alone amel.; when • desire for solitude | Conscientious about trifles | Delusions – unappreciated • neglected • oppressed • outcast • outsider • rags are as fine as silk; old | Detached | Dictatorial | Dirty | Discontented – himself, with | Disgust | Duty – aversion to • no sense of duty | Dwells – past disagreeable occurrences, on | Eccentricity | Estranged | Fanaticism | Fancies – absorbed in • exaltation of • lascivious | Fantasy | Fear – loss; of suffering a • work; of | Forsaken feeling | Ideas – abundant | Independent | Indifference – appearance; to his personal • duties; to • everything, to • surroundings, to the | Introspection | Irritability – contradiction; from | Lamenting | Laziness | Loathing – life | Manipulative | Memory – active – past events, for | Misanthropy | Neglecting – everything • himself | Philosophy – ability for | Sensitive – odors, to | Sentimental | Theorizing | Thoughts – past, of the | Vanity | Washing – aversion to wash | Weary of life | Smell – acute – strong odors • unpleasant odors

Stage 17 Elemental themes

• Practical service, selflessness, devotion & sacrifice.
• Studying & dissecting Vs dissolving & unifying.
• Breakdown of form. Analysis Vs Intuition.
• Humility, martyrdom, victim or victimised.
• Fantasy & dreamworld Vs practical reality.
• Rescuing others or needing to be rescued.
• Self-improvement Vs surrender.
• Order Vs chaos. Controlled routines Vs lack of boundaries.
• Compulsive urge to escape material confines to be free from one’s ego.
• Serving the community Vs withdrawing & escaping responsibilities.
• Searching for freedom. A student of spirituality.
• cf. Sea Animals, Matridonals, Sarcodes, Phlegmatic temperament. Death & reincarnation.
• Virgo – Pisces. Mercury – Neptune/ Jupiter.

Stage 17 brings us back to the Phlegmatic temperament, owing to the selflessness and martyring that is most vividly illustrated by the Muriaticums. The Halogen group as a whole feel that they work hard for ‘the other’ without getting any help or acknowledgement in return. Chemically, they are easily bonded with elements at Stage 1, which reflects the imbalance in the level of development of each person in the relationship. The Halogen gives so much to the needy, dependent Natrum or Kali. The theme of self-sacrifice belongs to Pisces and Neptune which reside at the Phlegmatic pole. There is a talent for letting-go of all past attachments and ambitions and easing back into oneness and acceptance. Negatively, there is a tendency to fall into victim-rescuer dynamics.

Stage 17 rubrics

Ailments from – disappointment • domination • love; disappointed • rejection | Anxiety – conscience; anxiety of | Caring / Aversion to care for others | Consolation – agg. | Delusions – alone, being – always alone; she is • attacked • betrayed • caged • martyr • meaningless; everything is • melancholy • separated • stabbed – back; in the • trapped; he is | Demanding | Despair – recovery, of | Discontented – everything, with | Duty – too much sense of duty | Dwells – past disagreeable occurrences, on | Escape, attempts to |Fear – betrayal • loss • water | Forsaken feeling – isolation | Freedom | Grief | Homesickness | Impulsive | Independent | Letting go | Looked at – cannot bear to be looked at | Love – romantic love; desire for | Manipulative | Mirth | Offended, easily | Quarrelsome | Reproaching oneself | Responsibility – taking responsibility too seriously | Sadness | Self-control – loss of self-control | Suspicious | Threatened | Touched – aversion to be | Tranquillity – reconciled to fate | Weary of life

Stage 18 (0) Elemental themes

• Oneness & connection. Nebulous, dreamer, idealistic, spiritual.
• Imaginative, wandering soul. Aimless; ‘Don’t tie me down’.
• Need magic & synchronicity in their life.
• Restless, exuberant spirit; desire for travel.
• Naive & gullible Vs perceptive insight.
• Holding opposed beliefs.
• Dislikes following ideas objectively or rationally.
• Scattered energy. Clairvoyant.
• Knowing the right path Vs misguided faith.
• cf. Sea Animals, Porifera, Cnidaria, Nematoda etc. Womb stage. Colum 1 and Row 1 Plants.
• Sagittarius – Pisces. Jupiter – Neptune.

Stage 18 (0) rubrics

Ailments from – joy | Blissful | Cheerful | Clairvoyance | Coma | Confusion of mind – identity – boundaries | Connection; sense of | Conscientious about trifles | Consciousness – expanded | Content – quiet – world; feeling content with the | Delusions – beautiful • body – out of the body • connected • consciousness – higher consciousness; unification with • dissolving, she is • emptiness; of • floating • influence; one is under a powerful • nothingness, nowhere; going into • right – everything is right the way it is • separated – world; from the • transformed • trapped • unreal – everything seems unreal | Desires – nothing | Detached | Disconnected | Dream; as if in a | Forgetful | Freedom | Introspection | Joy | Longing – repose and tranquillity; for | Meditating | Peace – heavenly peace; sensation of | Perfectionist | Reflecting | Resignation | Respected – desire to be | Responsibility – aversion to | Rest – desire for | Spirituality | Stillness | Tranquillity – letting go | Unification – sensation of unification


The evolution of man can be plotted using the Zodiacal house system

1st house – Aries
The discovery of fire. We learned how to cook food, and with it our brains got bigger, our intestines smaller and we were able to initiate the cognitive revolution that has made us such a dominant species.

The 1st house is where the identity is established and signifies the beginning of the journey ahead. In this way it parallels the Hydrogen Series which can be seen as the moment of incarnation, or the beginning of material existence. Hydrogen contains only one electron – the seed of the identity will grow as one descends further into the heavier and denser elements. Because the 1st house also marks the beginning of the process of separation there are also themes of the Carbon Series.

Identity – selfhood. Ego, “I am only just aware that I am separate from mother.” I scream when I want something. Impulsive, must have it now, like to go first, pioneering. Courage to begin, Singular, visionary, simplicity, clarity. A sense of self is of the utmost importance.

2nd house – Taurus
We made tools and became farmers instead of hunter gatherers, becoming rooted to our plots of land where we could tend to our crops. We needed to be good with our hands, resourceful and patient. Down to earth.

The 2nd house rules possessions and one’s own physical resources (the body itself). The first house represents the very formation of identity, whereas the second house marks the first steps into developing your new-found individuality. This is done through attachment to form in the physical realm; the ego is bolstered through ownership of material possessions. These are themes resembling the Carbon Series.
Bringing solidity to the personality through attachment to objects. The fragile self is made stronger through these attachments. Possessions, resources, ownership, craftsmanship. Over-valuing the material realm, objectification (Fluorine).

3rd house – Gemini.
In a group of up to 150 people, we can have something to say about all the others in our social network; our ability to gossip and chit-chat allows superficial relationships to keep us knitted together as a collective. If the group gets much bigger, the alpha cannot control the group and it splinters into smaller family units (the nuclear family).

The 3rd house is where the intellect is formed. It represents the stage of development where we start to speak, naming the things we recognise in our surroundings and becoming aware of others around us. Communication, siblings, establishing mental connections. These themes belong to the Silica Series; the identity is established further by learning to differentiate ourselves, forming our own opinions through studying the world around us.

Siblings, learning to share and communicate first words; naming things, learning about environment. Learn about your self through comparison with others around you. Differentiation. Dispersal of ideas through sharing (Phos).

4th house – Cancer
The home and hearth. Within the tribe and our nuclear family unit we are safe. We don’t have to relate to everybody and can stay in the comfort of our cosy shell. In some tribal communities, it is OK for women to take other men as sexual partners, but forbidden to allow these other suitors a place by the hearth. This is sacred to the husband and the nuclear family.

The 4th house denotes the home; a place of comfort, security & protection. These are prominent themes of the left hand side of the Ferrum Series where Kali & Calcarea reside.

Your place within the family home becomes more defined. The way one is nurtured and given a place of security – a base from which to expand contacts with the outside world. Creature comforts, habits and routines, having a cosy shell. Family, past, memory.

5th house – Leo
The fundamentals are in place, you have food, warmth, the safety of the tribe and the basic structure of community. You can start to be a creative person and think for yourself – express your own ideas, discover romantic love, write poetry, create art and music. You can focus on expressing your unique individuality.

The 5th house represents the first steps into creative self expression and parallels the Silver Series.

Centre – Sun; Self Love, Love affairs.
Performer, on-stage/ athlete/ scientist/ researcher/ writer.
Creative acts – Music, Arts, Drama, Sports, Children and Family.
Confidence. Expressing my unique idea.
Giving and receiving praise, adoration and applause for how special one is.
Just being oneself. Pure creativity.

6th house – Virgo
The harvest. All the unbridled creativity of summer and youth can be harvested and put to practical use in terms of serving the community. Finding a trade that will make use of your talents, sharing with others so they too can learn. The food that has grown ripe over summer can be eaten and stored for leaner times.

In the 6th house, the creative self-expression of the 5th is integrated, refined and purified into the self so one can be of practical service to others. This is the final house focusing on individual development; there is a harvesting of all that has been learned so far. In contrast to the creative outpouring of the 5th, the action of the 6th house is to turn the focus inward on refining the self. This is a theme belonging to the Lanthanides whose mission is towards self-knowledge and integration.

Perfecting, Purifying, Service to others.
Efficiency, Service, Health, Processes.
Ordered, Detailed, Refined, In control.

7th house – Libra
Diplomacy – A new phase begins for the community. The sophistication has grown to the point where there is no longer an alpha ruling the collection of tribes in the village. There now need to be laws that help people to have equal rights, to maintain a good balance between the male and female principles. The rulers are the best politicians with the most contacts rather than the one with the biggest balls and the most brute force. Instead of the romantic love of the 5th house, we have the ideal adult relationship that involves sharing principles and values.

The 7th house denotes the kind of partnerships we make, both in love and work. In this sense, it seems to cover aspects of both the Silica and the Ferrum Series. Venus rules both Libra and Taurus and is linked to the element Cuprum through Alchemy. Libra, whose element is Air is more suited to the relationship theme of the Silica Series, whereas Taurus with it’s practical earthy natures belongs more to the Ferrum Series.

Elements in the 4th row build a full 3rd shell before they start to complete the 4th shell, so one might say that they are consolidating what they have learned in the realm of communication & relationship (Silica) before moving onto establishing their own family and career (Ferrum). The Ferrum Series therefore has an affinity with Mars, Venus and the Moon.

Attraction, Relationship, Partnership, Ideals of fairness, Democratic, What qualities you attract in a partner. What you project onto others, tactful.

8th house – Scorpio
Marriage – the institution of marriage helps to bind society together by adhering to the sacred vows, it provides stability for the family unit. There is also the joining together of resources, the estate of one family and the other combine. Like the Royal family in the UK – the modern day celebrity couple Harry and Meghan join together to form a more powerful unit.

The 8th house signifies one’s personal power and how this can be shared or merged in business and matrimony; with the conjoining of 2 estates. There is an affinity with the right hand side of the Ferrum Series & the left hand side of the Gold Series. The business themes of the 8th house correlate with Ferrum whereas Power and Inheritance correspond to Gold.

All the Elements in the Gold Series have a full 4th shell, so the issues of the Ferrum Series are finally completed. The Elements Hafnium to Platina place their new electrons back into the 5th Shell, so they continue to work on their sense of being special whilst they have not yet developed the sense of power and responsibility that Aurum through to Radon possess.

Business deals, Inheritance, Wielding personal power, Marriage vows, Contracts, Merging, Partnerships, Establishing the Kingdom but not yet having the resources to rule it as the King.

9th house – Sagittarius
Religion, Spirituality & Philosophy – The church creates a myth that binds large groups of people to the same moral compass. They all follow the same scripture and abide by the teachings of their prophet so that large groups of people can exist in tolerance of one another. This allows for cooperation and understanding – working together in larger numbers than could be possible in the tribal culture of the village.

The 9th house represents a higher octave of the creative expression of the 5th and hence also ties in with the Silver Series. There is a focus on expanding the mind to include spirituality, religion and philosophy. There is also a theme of travel, living in a foreign country & exploring other cultures. The Alchemists believed that Stannum was associated with Jupiter (which rules the 9th).

The accent on philosophy and greater self-understanding also brings to mind the Lanthanides. It is interesting to note that the Elements in the Lanthanide row maintain a very similar structure to Xenon, putting their new electrons back into the 4th shell (Ferrum) rather than the 5th. It is as though they have completed their exploration of creative self expression, and are focusing their energy back upon making themselves useful. In this way, they look further back within themselves than any of the other Elements thus far. They must learn mastery over themselves so they can gain the self-knowledge that allows them to become effective leaders (Gold) as well as a creative person (Silver).

Long distance journeys, travel, different cultures, the communication has expanded from facts and names to concepts and philosophies – from the narrow to the expansive world view. Adventurous explorers searching for meaning.

10th house – Capricorn
Corporations – the myth of religion/ faith is replaced by the myth of money and of corporations. Politicians are manipulated by executives and the rules and laws are designed to allow for greater profit margins to increase the worldly wealth of powerful individuals. An individual can avoid risking his own liability by creating a limited company that will be liable for all debts. Therefore, the rise of entrepreneurism ensues as debt can be levied against a company that doesn’t actually exist in the material world.

The 10th house has an affinity with the Gold Series with it’s accent on recognition, ambition and a need to distinguish oneself within society.

Your place within the structure of society – understanding the needs of the group and making oneself useful in order to receive praise and recognition of your skills. Leadership, Fatherhood, Recognition, Ambition, Calculating, Understanding structure.

11th house – Aquarius – the Digital age – materialism will pass away.

In fact, money itself is not valuable in earthly terms – it is only a positive or negative figure on a computer screen of someone’s bank. Bitcoins can be bought and sold on the black market by hackers. Physical borders don’t really exist and the whole world is connected via a type of neural network of internet cables and wifi signals. Soon, our skills will be negated by high performance technology that can perform many of our tasks leaving us only to invent the next new technology.

The 11th house has parallels with the Lanthanides in that there is a focus on individuality, independence and freedom, whilst also supporting the needs of the group as opposed to the ego. The elements in the Lanthanides series are very important in modern computer technology.

Groups, societies, global networks. Ideology of the group outweighs personal power (Leo). Spokesperson for change, renewal and progressive action in the world. Ideas that everyone can grasp. Fixation with technological development. Self must be in reference to the group. Eccentric ideas. Outspoken

12th house

Pisces – the end signals the need for letting go of past attachments or transformation to a more spiritual plane of existence. The civilisation of humans may dissolve, to be replaced by an artificial intelligence, or there may be a counter movement of returning to spiritual values of oneness. The ego has got so big and heavy that it becomes unstable – it is radioactive, emitting alpha rays (identical to helium) representing the lighter spiritual awareness that will allow us to transcend the repetition of the whole cycle again or be reincarnated to the Hydrogen Series.

The 12th house finds it’s parallel in the Actinide Series, where the focus is on transmutation and dissolving of form so that one can move beyond the trappings of materialism. Neptune, the dissolver of boundaries rules this transpersonal house. The spirituality, oneness and connection felt in the 12th house are also themes of the Hydrogen Series.

The Elements in the Radioactive row place their new electrons back into the 5th shell, so the issues of creativity, philosophy and spirituality are finally completed here. Perhaps this is why individuals who resonate with Actinide remedies can be such high achievers? They do not try to gain more power than has already been reached in the Gold Series but focus their intention inwardly on exploring their own talents and insights into the spiritual world.

Conception/ ancestry, (re)incarnation. Collective unconscious. Connection to all existence, floating, amoeba like state. Oceanic feeling. Self Sacrifice. Dream-like states. Underworld. Fantasies, escapism.

Homeopathy, Astrology and the Periodic Table
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